Saturday, June 27, 2009

Actually I really love travelling. Haha. Whenever I watch shows that show hosts visiting diferent countries, I really enjoy them. Haha. It would be wonderful if I could get to travel around the world one day..

Oh ya, my mum just reminded me today that I'm a TV addict. Seriously. I really can get my butt down on the sofa in front of the TV whatever is showing on TV. Haha. Even 爱, which was showing on Channel 8 at 7pm today. Actually is my Grandma watching lah.. Haha. I just watch together =P Found it quite nice tho. Lolz. And I watched the Sheng Shiong Show following that too... Haha.

Actually I realised I'm a TV addict v long ago le. Haha. I think my friends all know that. Haha.

And just now at BK really a lot of ppl!!! Wan ask Mr Goh a few questions oso cannot!! Sibei sian. Haha. Nvm ba. See how lah.. But from next Saturday onwards jiu in sch remedial le. Haix. Abit.. More "firm" leh de atmosphere. Dunno how to put it. More formal? Haha. Wadeva lah.. Cannot wear slippers dat kind of feeling lah.. Haha.

And I feel like catching another movie one of these days. Haha. It really can take your mind off a lot of things.


posted by qunjie@9:47 PM


Haha. It's just dat I didn't have much feel to blog last few weeks... Perhaps its becuz of all de work and stuff and not enuf time to play and everything ba. But.. I'm bak!

Mostly because I'm feeling vey bored now... Haha.

So.. It's the same old. Homework, plus going out occasionally. The two weeks of holidays seriously is not like holiday sia... Life is sian.

But looking at the night sky and listening to my media player made me remember that there are many nice things in this world. And this little thing is enough to make me happy for.. The next few hrs? Haha.

But life really is not dat bad lah. Gaming on my com sumtimes is a great stress reliever as well.

And just caught Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen on Wednesday. Animation was certainly not disappointing. The whole movie was damn nice!! Haha. Really enjoyed it.

Maybe my blog is a little quiet and stuff... But its ok lah. I will come bak to post occasonally. Haha.


posted by qunjie@12:03 AM


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This guy

Qun Jie
24 March 93
16 years old

His life

Past: Peixin Primary School
Present: Chung Cheng High Yishun
Entrepreneur Club &
Infocomm Club

His loves

Green !!! =D
Good food
Watching TV! XD
Mother Earth
People around me =)

His hates

People who crap a lot
People who are ungrateful

His wishes

Travel around the world !
Global warming to stop
No more pollution & destruction of natural habitats
Everyone to live happily
Understand eternal love

His chats

People around him


His memories

October 2009
July 2009
June 2009
May 2009
April 2009
March 2009
February 2009

People he wish to thank
Friends who inspired me to start a blog =D