Sunday, March 29, 2009

On Friday, Miss Kaur said that I'm starting to lose concentration in class, and starting to show signs of tiredness.

I guess its true ba, since I have been getting less slp at night lately because of the March holiday homework and other homework that have snowballed. This year has also been quite busy for me, with all the CGC, RCC and Nepal trip preparations in the first term.

But since they are all over, I guess I should put all of that behind me ba.

What Miss Kaur said dat evening was really motivating, and kinda jolted me bak to reality. Haha.

Its time I started paying more attention in class and focus on schoolwork more le. Seriously.

I really hope to change how I am right now. So, I would jyjy! My goal is to balance both work n play, and hopefully it works out ba.

Right now, 改变自己 is the song for me.


posted by qunjie@12:03 AM

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Yay! I finally turned 16 today.

Recalling what Mr Lee said on one of his first few Physics lesson dis yr, he said that everyone's 16th year is a very special year. You can start trying out many new things and of course.. it is the year of ur O lvls. Haha.. But I stil feel dat what he said was right. I tink that my 16th year in life would be a happy one, and it would be an important milestone of my life.

Dis yr's birthday was a quiet one. Not much celebrations, de only one was cutting of bday cake at home with just my family. Haha, but all dis does not matter much to me lah. It was stil an enjoyable day for me. =)

And thanks all who had went to the expense of getting me a bday present. Thank you very much! Not forgetting those who had wished me a happy bday, thank you too!

Hope dat after today, I will grow more mature, and live up to the expectations of those around me ba. I would oso like to take this opportunity to say sorry if I had done anytin to offend anyone.

And lastly.. NC16s, here I come!


posted by qunjie@11:48 PM

Sunday, March 22, 2009

First thing first, I'm bak!!!! Namaste!

11 days in Nepal has taught me a lot, and we all had lots of fun too. Haha. But im jus going to say briefly ba. Lazy to blog too long. Haha. And I wun be uploading pics too.. Haha.

So.. We spent 1 day to fly there, another day on bus to reach our trekking spot, 2 n half days going up, 1 n half days coming down. Roughly liddat ba. Haha. Den got 1 night stayed in a nice hotel, after dat 2 days went for cip in SJLSS (srry if spell wrongly), which is a lower secondary school in Nagarkot. After dat, the remaining few days were spent on travelling. Dats abt it ba in short.

To me rite, dis trip has been more of an eye-opener than a fun trip.

First, the sceneries there are really goddamn breath-taking. Nothing compared to images or sunrise at East Coast Park. The feeling of being there is just.. different. Especially when we reached the peak of Poon Hill, which was 3000+ m above sea level. It was cold, but we could see the greeneries below us, the mountain ranges around us, and the clouds and sunrise in front of us. The feeling was great. But what really made de difference was dat all of us made it up thr together, after days of support and laughter and struggle, we finally reached our goal. Dat kind of sense of achievement really cannot be compared to anytin else. I can oso say dat all of us haf really bonded well, and it would not haf been de same without any1 of us.

Second, Nepal is a poor country, but the people there are stil happy and contented. What does dis show abt us, Singaporeans? Altho we haf all the luxuries in the world, like electricity, clean drinking supply, TV, computer, so on and so forth, we take them for granted. For some Nepali people in the mountain regions, they dun even haf food due to drought. From dis, I've learnt dat we are really veri fortunate to be born in Singapore, with such loving parents, many many luxuries, and being free from natural disasters. Guys, dun take these stuff for granted anymore. Please, learn to appreciate those around you, and be contented with what u alr haf. Life is short, lets live it happily and meaningfully.

Last, dis trip has really let me learn more about myself, as well as to get to know many other friends. At dis point, I would like to thank Mr Tan for coming up with the leadership module, n Mr Tok for teaching us abt the plateau of performance. Haha. These hav made dis trip more fulfilling, as all of us could learn and apply what we hav learnt during the course of the trek and the cip. I hav understood myself better, and I would try to b a better leader in de future. Hahaha.

Before I sign off, I would just like to comment dat altho Nepal is beautiful and the world is huge, there is stil no place like home. Im glad to be bak in Singapore. =D


posted by qunjie@11:20 AM

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Tmr, or shld I say later, jiu going Nepal le!! Hahaha. Kinda excited. Going there for 11 days, so u guys wun be seeing me arnd for the most of the March hols! Will only be bak on 21st March.

Later taking 8am flight.. But SLDC got to mit at 5.30am.. So waking up at 4am later. Haha. So I'll be like getting.. Less than 4 and half hours of slp? Haha.

Nutin much to say le.. Jus dat..

NEXT STOP: Nepal !


Don't miss me guys. =P


posted by qunjie@11:20 PM

Sunday, March 8, 2009


This week hasn't really been dat smooth-sailing ba, I should say.. Especially these few days.


Why cant problems get smaller, while happiness multiply? I really don't get it sometimes.

Life is just like that.



posted by qunjie@1:41 AM

Friday, March 6, 2009

Today.. The CCHY Cyber Gaming Competition has finally come to an end. Congrats to all winners today, and I hope dat everyone has had fun in the competition for the past two days as well! Here's my sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed to this project, including my buddies, my EC juniors, all umpires, photographers, Anna, Alpha, Mdm Yeo and especially Ms Lin!!! Thx a lot everyone!!! This competition would have remained a dream and nv be realised if not for the hard work everyone put in!!! Thx Thx Thx and a million more thx! Hahaha.

Life is tough, the feeling of being caught in the middle all the time seriously sux, but I still haf to move on, no matter how demoralising it gets. I had a bad day, but I'll just sing a sad song, and get over with it.


posted by qunjie@11:49 PM

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Today, I really felt strongly how unpredictable life was. Haha, sometimes I really ask myself, how unlucky can I get? Luck.. Is a very cool thing. It's something dat can save u, or kill u. But at the same time, it's something dat u can nv predict, it jus rushes at u in de face, and zooms past jus as quickly.

The same thing goes for fate as well ba. I think, I should jus learn how to accept things as they are. Find solutions instead of asking "Why me...???" all de time. Hahaha.

Bad luck, pls go away after today ok?? May good fortune bless me with a successful CGC n RCC tmr!


posted by qunjie@10:20 PM

Monday, March 2, 2009

Finally bak in sch after a loooong and NICE weekend. Haha. Why am I so happy abt the weekends? Its cuz.... I played a lot of DotA!! Thanks dota gang for making my day! Haha. How I wish every weekend can be liddat all de time.. But too bad, O levels are coming soon, and we realli haf to work hard man. Anws, bak in sch oso means dat I'm facing all the work again.... Haix. Anw guys, we oso haf to tink of our clan name quickly sia..

Oh ya, I tink dat my blog is realli damn quiet lorh. Mayb its cuz veri few ppl noe abt it ba. So guys, if u alr noe my blog, pls link me!! And rmb to tag often!

Remember to leave a tag wif ur blog URL too, so dat I can link guys oso. Thanks!


posted by qunjie@10:45 PM

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Been pretty vexed these few days. Not gonna talk more ba.

Sometimes, I really wish the world can be more understanding.


posted by qunjie@2:43 AM


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This guy

Qun Jie
24 March 93
16 years old

His life

Past: Peixin Primary School
Present: Chung Cheng High Yishun
Entrepreneur Club &
Infocomm Club

His loves

Green !!! =D
Good food
Watching TV! XD
Mother Earth
People around me =)

His hates

People who crap a lot
People who are ungrateful

His wishes

Travel around the world !
Global warming to stop
No more pollution & destruction of natural habitats
Everyone to live happily
Understand eternal love

His chats

People around him


His memories

October 2009
July 2009
June 2009
May 2009
April 2009
March 2009
February 2009

People he wish to thank
Friends who inspired me to start a blog =D