Sunday, April 26, 2009

My life... Is boring...

Nothing to say, cuz i got nothing to do dis weekend.

Treasure what u have, and take note of de beauty of de things around u. I found out dat I have been taking too many things for granted..

I really need someone, some help, to make me see how beautiful life really can be.


posted by qunjie@11:43 PM

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Today, I watched 30min of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fast Forward on OKTO. Felt quite shiok at watching it again, cuz i used to love it in the past, and I haven't really watched it for quite awhile le.

The episode title was "DNA is Thicker than Water", and I found this episode meaningful. There was a part where Leonardo mentioned a story that Master Splinter had told the turtles in the past.

It was the story of the scorpion and the frog.
Once, there was a scorpion who needed to cross a river. So, he asked a frog to help him, and ferry him across the river. The frog refused, and said,"How can I be sure that you would not sting me?" The scorpion said that he needed to cross the river, and promised that he would not sting the frog. Finally, the frog agreed, and ferried the scorpion across the river. Halfway across, the frog felt a stinging pain on his back. The scorpion had stung him. They began to sink into the river, and the frog cried out,"Why did you do that? Now, we would both perish together!" The scorpion replied,"I stung you, because it is my nature."

This story made me saw something. How scary would this world be, if everyday was a fight for survival, where even brothers have to fight each other for food? I really can't imagine a world without sharing, love, and compassion. I suddenly feel lucky that we were born as humans, and not animals, who rely solely on instinct and nature to survive. The ability to think, to love, and to share.. I think that's what makes us so superior ba.

Putting my TV reflections aside, haha, dis weekend has been quite a plain one ba. Homework, dota, the usual. Nothing much. Hope the coming days would be more exciting. =)

My life, 一直在等待


posted by qunjie@11:20 PM

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Homework, homework, and more homework.. Haix.

So much homework, so many things to do, so little time. I really duno wad to do man.

Sometimes I really wish I was Ben 10, can transform in to de alien hero dat can duplicate itself, or Echo Echo, who oso can duplicate. Haha. Or else Ring of the Nine Dragons oso not bad.. Split myself into 9. Haha.

Really wish I had more time to do homework.. But nothing much I can do anyway.. Instead of being so demoralised.. I think I should jus pia finish ba..

I really hope I can spend less time gaming starting next week. Seriously.

Haha... This has not exactly been a very nice weekend for me.


posted by qunjie@7:17 PM

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Today, SLDC went to Toa Payoh (South or North) CC for CIP.

Didnt do much today. In fact, we did not do any hands-on at all.

We arrived at about 2pm+, then sat in the conference room for a sharing session all the way till 4pm+. Following dat was group discussion on the next CIP session on 25th April. We went home at abt 5pm.

What gave me the deepest impression today was the sharing session by Auntie Martha(or Marta). She really shared with us a lot of her real-life experience, and taught us a lot on how to become better people. Altho the whole thing lasted quite long, but it is interesting, and to me, it is also good advice that can guide us through de rest of our lives.

Wad I remember most vividly is dis statement of hers:" Don't put off what you can do today until tomorrow, because tomorrow may never come." I totally agree with what she had said, and I have actually thought about dis before. We realli should treasure everyday that we have on dis beautiful planet, where we are around our loved ones. We should treasure every minute and every second of our lives, and live it to the fullest. Learn to appreciate those around you that you love, and show it graciously. Life is unpredictable. If you live this way, den u will leave without any regrets (touch wood!) if anytin happens.

Lastly.. You guys got realize I use very little Singlish? Dat's because Mdm Sue told me that my speech is littered with Singlish particles all over! But.. I'm trying my best to improve! Hope my oral presentation next time will impress her. Haha.


posted by qunjie@12:00 AM


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This guy

Qun Jie
24 March 93
16 years old

His life

Past: Peixin Primary School
Present: Chung Cheng High Yishun
Entrepreneur Club &
Infocomm Club

His loves

Green !!! =D
Good food
Watching TV! XD
Mother Earth
People around me =)

His hates

People who crap a lot
People who are ungrateful

His wishes

Travel around the world !
Global warming to stop
No more pollution & destruction of natural habitats
Everyone to live happily
Understand eternal love

His chats

People around him


His memories

October 2009
July 2009
June 2009
May 2009
April 2009
March 2009
February 2009

People he wish to thank
Friends who inspired me to start a blog =D