Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hi, jus created my blog, hope you guys will like it. Not really impressive lah, but I finally made one rite? Haha. Must come n tag often !! =D

Today, went to the city area to take part in the Enterprise Race. Actually I wasn't involved de lorh, den kena called up cuz got ppl cmi. Sianx. So Marvin, Javier, Chongwei and I, tgt wif our other lower sec EC members, took the MRT to Clarke Quay, where registration took place.

When we got to the station, we had no idea where The Atrium was. We jus walked around Central, until Mdm Tan's husband offered to take us there. Luckily we weren't late. So things jus went by- opening speech, collect T-shirts, transportation money of $20 and the clue to our first station.

Finally, the competition began at 9.05am. All the teams rushed off when it was declared open, except us, the 2 teams frm CCHY. We jus stayed around, trying to solve our clues. We were so slow dat the photographer came n told us to pose for him. Zzz.

But anyway, we finally started on the competition. Our first stop was the ACRA, which was in the Internation Plaza. Whew. Some place that is. The task we had to do was even more horrifying. Each team member had to act out a phrase related to entrepreneurship, without talking n mouthing. Then, the members would haf to guess wad's the word he/she is trying to act out. Hard rite? We only managed to score 3/9. Pathetic.

Others was pretty normal. Except this: "First outlet of 77th street". We initially tot dat it was in Bugis Junction, but Mdm Tan's husband said it was at The Heeren, which was in Orchard. And Javier told us only when we had reached Bugis MRT station! So.. No choice. Took MRT back to Orchard. Waste time lorh. Wads more funny was dat, we met Javier and his team at Bugis Junction, and they said dat it was the wrong location. The first outlet was in Far East Plaza, at Orchard. We were all like ZZZZZZ. So went back to Orchard, and got to the station. Waa..

Dat was our 5th station lah, there were 9 in total. After we completed dat, we were left wif veri lil time. We rushed to Far East Square in Chinatown to try and finish 1 more task. We reached there at exactly 12nn, the cut-off time for all activities. But the task master just said, my watch is 12:02, u all go bak. WTF. Sian lorh. Sian until cannot sian more.

Completed 5 out of 9 stations, nt too bad lah, considering how tough the game was. But there's always taller mountains out there, and we didn't manage to win any prize. Oh, and btw, the first prize was $2000. So much of cold hard cash leh !!!! Too bad we just weren't good enuf. Haix. Nvm lah. Like the adults always say, all that matters is that you had the experience, and had fun in process.

Im sure we all enjoyed the whole game, so it was all worth it. Quite thrilling lah actually. =D
But tiring also.

Shall end off here den. Gonna be quite busy wif the fundraising and CCHYCGC preparation next wk. Life is full of activities. I love it. Haha.


posted by qunjie@11:48 PM


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This guy

Qun Jie
24 March 93
16 years old

His life

Past: Peixin Primary School
Present: Chung Cheng High Yishun
Entrepreneur Club &
Infocomm Club

His loves

Green !!! =D
Good food
Watching TV! XD
Mother Earth
People around me =)

His hates

People who crap a lot
People who are ungrateful

His wishes

Travel around the world !
Global warming to stop
No more pollution & destruction of natural habitats
Everyone to live happily
Understand eternal love

His chats

People around him


His memories

October 2009
July 2009
June 2009
May 2009
April 2009
March 2009
February 2009

People he wish to thank
Friends who inspired me to start a blog =D