Thursday, February 26, 2009

Alright! CT is finally over!!! Woohoo! First celebration was to go SDC (Singapore Discovery Centre) today lolz. Quite fun lah actually, cuz dis learning journey taught me a lot about Singapore's future. Most of the facts were cool and interesting, like a tag on something about underwater living. If that could come true, then will b damn shiok sia.

But thinking of all the activities lined up for the rest of dis week, I jus cnt help feeling abit sian. Haha. Realli looking forward to dota-ing wif frens after CT, but too many activities le. Haix.

Nvm lah, there will always be a chance de! Rite now, my priority is to get CGC up and running. Hope you guys will support me too!


posted by qunjie@12:51 AM

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hey guys.. Been QUITE a while since I last updated. Haha, got blog like no blog liddat.. Srry ah. Dunno what to say mah..

But frm today onwards, I will make sure I post once a week! Err.. I'll try my best ba. Haha.

Anws, coming week is CT week, so everybody, jyjy! We must all work hard n get good results. =)

One last thing, next next week is CCHY cybergame n rubik's cube competition le. So.. Anymore interested parties pls pls pls join now!! We realli nid ur support!

If u wan join any of de competitions, pls come n find me haha. Thanks!


posted by qunjie@8:02 PM


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This guy

Qun Jie
24 March 93
16 years old

His life

Past: Peixin Primary School
Present: Chung Cheng High Yishun
Entrepreneur Club &
Infocomm Club

His loves

Green !!! =D
Good food
Watching TV! XD
Mother Earth
People around me =)

His hates

People who crap a lot
People who are ungrateful

His wishes

Travel around the world !
Global warming to stop
No more pollution & destruction of natural habitats
Everyone to live happily
Understand eternal love

His chats

People around him


His memories

October 2009
July 2009
June 2009
May 2009
April 2009
March 2009
February 2009

People he wish to thank
Friends who inspired me to start a blog =D